Root Canal

Save a damaged or infected tooth with root canal treatment at First Dental Care.

Root canal in Anaheim

Serving patients in Anaheim and surrounding areas in Orange County

A root canal procedure is done to treat a deeply infected tooth due to an untreated cavity or trauma. When a cavity reaches the tooth’s root tissue, it may form an abscess that causes intense pain and swelling. During a root canal procedure, Dr. Kim carefully removes the decayed tissue and nerves, to eliminate the infection. He then cleans the area and applies a dental filling, essentially saving the tooth from extraction.

Safe and comfortable root canal therapy at First Dental Care

At First Dental Care, we prioritize your comfort and safety. We also exert all efforts into preserving the integrity of teeth, and only perform tooth extractions as a last resort. Dr. Kim provides relatively painless root canal procedures. He uses a local anesthetic to completely numb your tooth before carefully removing the infected root pulp and nerves.

Is a root canal painful?

Root canals are notorious for being painful, but they shouldn’t be when performed correctly. With careful calculation, Dr. Kim administers the right dose of local anesthetic. This ensures you feel no pain during the procedure. For pain and discomfort after the procedure, Dr. Kim prescribes a safe pain reliever to make your more comfortable as you recover.

How long can an infected tooth go untreated?

While it can take several months for an infected tooth to spread deep into the root, It is always better to treat infections as early as possible. The longer it is left untreated, the more damage it causes and the harder it is to treat. In severe cases, the infection from a tooth can travel to other parts of the body through the bloodstream, causing other health issues.

Can an infected tooth heal without a root canal?

No, an infected tooth causes progressive damage and cannot heal without a root canal treatment. Bacteria will continue to eat away at teeth until there is nothing left. The only way to stop any dental infection is to remove the entire infected area.

Do I need a crown after a root canal?

You will not always need a dental crown after a root canal procedure. A dental crown is only needed for severe infections where more than half of the visible tooth structure was removed. If only a small portion of tooth has been removed, Dr. Kim will use dental fillings to restore it.

Is it safe to drive after getting a root canal?

Depending on how sensitive you are to pain, Dr. Kim will use either a local anesthetic, sedation, or general anesthesia to make you comfortable. Local anesthetics only numb your tooth, and will allow you to drive home after the procedure. However, it’s best to call a ride if you were sedated or given general anesthesia during the procedure. You will feel a bit groggy and need more time to let it wear off.

Save your teeth with a root canal treatment in Anaheim, CA

Get rid of dental infections while keeping your teeth intact. Call First Dental Care at (714) 527-5656 to schedule a root canal with Dr. Douglas Kim.

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